Kielce 21 – 22 October 2022.
The purpose of the conference is to provide theoretical and practical insight into various aspects of emergency situations in terms of security, economics, pedagogy and psychology. Moreover, the goal of the conference is to present the causes of threats and discuss theirs potential solutions at the national and international levels.
1. Organizational and economic aspects of crisis situations.
2. Political aspects of overcoming crisis situations in Europe and the world.
3. European Crisis Management and Defense.
4. Pedagogy in the face of the challenges of crisis situations.
5. Terrorism, migration – problems of modern Europe.
6. Psychological aspects of crisis situations.
prof. dr hab. Hanifi Aslan – Hasan Kalyoncu University w Gaziantep (Turkey);
prof. dr hab. Ivana Butoracová Šindleryová – University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
dr hab. Magdalena Byczkowska, Assoc. Prof.- The Jacob of Paradies University (Poland);
prof. dr hab. Emre Civelec – Istanbul Commerce University (Turkey);
prof. dr hab. Turkay Dereli – Rektor Hasan Kalyoncu University w Gaziantep (Turkey);
prof. dr hab. Imrich Dufiniec – Univerity of Security Management in Kosice (Slovakia);
prof. dr hab. Yakup Durmaz – Hasan Kalyoncu University w Gaziantep (Turkey);
dr hab. Jolanta Góral-Półrola, Assoc. Prof.- Rektor Old Polish University in Kielce (Poland);
dr Anna Hajdukiewicz – Dean of the Institute of Pedagogy of the Old Polish University in Kielce (Poland);
dr hab. Radosław Harabin, Assoc. Prof.- Representative of the Rector for Practical Education The Old Polish University (Poland);
doc. dr. Peter Horvath, PhD. – Head of the Department of Public Administration at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (Slovakia);
dr Tomasz Konopka – Dean of the Institute of Security Sciences, Old Polish University in Kielce (Poland);
prof. dr hab. Marian Kozub – Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland);
dr Dariusz Kruk – Pro-rector of the Old Polish University in Kielce (Poland);
dr Artur Kuchciński – Dean of the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Old Polish University in Kielce;
dr hab. Oleg Leszczak, Assoc. Prof.- Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland);
prof. dr hab. Andrej Lisec – Deputy Dean of Finance and Enviromental Cooperation, Faculty of Logistics University of Maribor (Slovenia);
dr hab. Anna Majzel – The Jacob of Paradies University (Poland);
prof. dr hab. Sabri Oz – Istanbul Commerce University (Turkey);
prof. dr hab. Joanna Rogozińska-Mitrut – The Jacob of Paradies University (Poland);
prof. dr hab. Dariusz Rott – Director of the Centre for Innovation, Technology Transfer and Development, Foundation of the University of Silesia (Poland);
prof. dr hab. Janusz Soboń – The Jacob of Paradies University (Poland);
dr hab. Ryszard Stefański, Assoc. Prof. – Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland);dr hab. Grzegorz Wilk-Jakubowski, Assoc. Prof.- Representative of the Rector for Education Quality Management The Old Polish University (Poland);
Organizing Committee:
dr hab. Grzegorz Wilk-Jakubowski, Assoc. Prof.– chairman;
gwj@stans.edu.pl, tel. 780 077 181
dr hab. Radosław Harabin, Assoc. Prof. – deputy chairman;
r.harabin@stans.edu.pl, tel. 697 023 138
dr Artur Kuchciński – deputy chairman;
akuchcinski@stans.edu.pl, tel. 606 147 688
mgr Marta Telus – conference secretary;
m.telus@stans.edu.pl, tel. 668 836 432
mgr Marta Durgun – deputy conference secretary;
dziekanat@stans.edu.pl, tel. 518 404 999
Submission dates:
Registration of participation in the Conference – until September 15, 2022.
Start of the Conference – October 21, 2022 (Friday).
Chapter in monograph:
Articles prepared according to the attached editorial requirements should be prepared by November 20, 2022 and sent electronically
to konferencja@stans.edu.pl.
Conference location:
Hotel Kongresowy w Kielcach, Aleja Solidarności 34, 25-323, Kielce
Mailing address:
Staropolska Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Kielcach
Piwnika “Ponurego” 49, 25-666 Kielce
tel./fax: (41) 41 345 85 88, e-mail: konferencja@stans.edu.pl