International relations
Old Polish University is an international institution that emphasizes both theoretical and practical education. Every year, about 100 students leave the Erasmus + Program for study and internship abroad to 60 partner universities and institutions. The most frequently selected destinations are Spain, Greece, Slovakia, Germany, the Czech Republic and Italy. As part of our student exchange programs, our students may study part of the program in the United States.
The development of international cooperation is one of the most important priorities for the Old Polish University. It encompasses many facets that fit perfectly into the International Organization for Higher Education announced by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. For many years, our university has successfully increased its international competitiveness.
• We have a very extensive program offer in English for the implementation of the KA 103 and KA 107 activities of the Erasmus + program, which attracts a growing number of foreign partners (including students and staff).
• Our inter-faculty and inter-faculty cooperation agreements cover more than 70 partners from more than 20 countries in Europe, the US,
• We offer annual semester trips for our students to complete part of the study program with our foreign partners from all majors and specializations.
• We offer our students all faculties and specializations practicing in all EU countries as well as in USA and Australia,
• The University has foreign departments in Dublin (Ireland), Lutsk (Ukraine), Presov (Slovakia), which
emphasizes its extraordinary and constantly developing international character.
• Every year about 100 students (outgoing) and 20 students arriving as well as 20 staff of teaching and administrative (leaving) staff and 10 staff of teaching and administrative staff (incoming) take part in Erasmus + academic exchange in mobility with program countries and partners .
• The University has implemented a number of student mobility and mobility mobility programs in recent years: Coser to Parnter, Visegrad Fund, Swiss Contribution, Join Study Welness Program as well as summer camps.
These activities are supported or implemented by the International Cooperation Bureau. Its mission is to actively promote the University internationally, develop opportunities for enriching student experience, establish partnerships, and support international research and development cooperation.
Below you can find a list of universities and partner institutions of the Erasmus Program
Czech Republic:
COMMUNITY REVIVAL www.communityrevival.co.uk
-UNIVERSITY IN MISKOLC www.uni-miskolc.hu
-VYSOKA SKOLA DANUBIUS http://www.vsdanubius.sk/
-EUROSCHOOL OF SLOVAKIA IN PRESOV http://www.esopo.sk/historia.htm#History
– Faculty of Political Science and International Relations Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica http://www.fpvmv.umb.sk/en/
-UNIVERSITY OF HUELVA http://www.uhu.es/english/index.htm
-UNIVERSITY FORMATIC BARNA BARCEONA http://www.formatic-barna.com/~formatic/wwwformatic/index.php/en/
-ADIYAMAN UNIVERSITY www.english.adiyaman.edu.tr
-ERCIYES UNIVERSITY www.erciyes.edu.tr
-NEVSHEHIR UNIVERSITY www.iibf.nevsehir.edu.tr
-MUGLA UNIVERSITY www.mu.edu.tr
-GANIANTEPUNCHINDER www.gantep.edu.tr
-HASAN KALYONCU UNIVERSITY http://www.gazikent.edu.tr/gu/en
Over 1500 hotels and resorts in Spain and Greece.
ANIMAFEST EPERIENCE – Spain www.animafestexperience.com
HR EXPERTS – Greece – http://www.hrexperts.gr/
Rhodesnow – Greece – http://www.rhodesnow.com/
GRECOTEL Hotels – Greece www.grecotel.com
JOB TRUST – http://www.jobtrust.gr/en/index.php
SANI RESORT – Greece http://www.sani-resort.com/en_GB
ALBENA Hotels – Bulgaria www.bulgariansearesorts.com
GHOTEL Hotels – Germany www.ghotel.de
HYATT REGENCY BIRMINGHAM – England www.birmingham.regency.hyatt.com
LOUGH INAGH LODGE HOTELS – Ireland www.loughinaghlodgehotel.ie
STUDENT INTERNSHIP.EU – Malta www.studentinternship.eu
Practices on passenger ships:
SCYLLA TOURS – Germany, Netherlands (trainings on ships) www.scylla.de
In Old Polish University strategy, international cooperation constitutes an essential element of raising the quality standards of mobility and teaching, as well as promoting Kielce and the Swietokrzyskie region worldwide. It is of great importance to the Old Polish University to educate graduates with competences enabling them to work in an internationalized labour market. To achieve this, we work continuously to internationalize our campuses and to provide study opportunities of high quality for our students through our worldwide network of partner institutions.
To strengthen internationalization at Old Polish University, we work to develop educational practices to accommodate and utilize linguistic and cultural diversity, and to further improve our students’ language and intercultural skills. Studying abroad is an obvious choice for students to improve these skills, but it is also important that we focus on the needs of those students who chose to stay at home.
To meet the target of increasing our outbound mobility, we are currently in the process of ensuring that all study programs include mobility. This is part of the Old Polish University Student Mobility Action Plan. All students must have the option of taking part of their degree outside their own program. The more well defined and clear the mobility are, the easier we make it for our students to plan and integrate an international experience into their program.
International Office Team
The international team is responsible for developing and implementing the University’s strategy for international partnerships, cooperation and student recruitment.
The strategy sets out important new aims for the development of international partnerships, led by the International Office team.
We travel overseas to meet prospective students and alumni, visit foreign schools and universities, keep in contact with foreign embassies and make sure that our international students enjoy their studies and life. We can also advise current students who would like to participate in any of our exchange programs with overseas institutions.
We can give you further information or refer you to specialized services on matters such as: Course entry requirements and the application process, study abroad, English language support, fees and funding, accommodation.
We are here to help and support in guiding incoming/outgoing students and offer an experienced and enthusiastic team to answer and direct your questions.
International Office
Erasmus+ Coordinator
Open – Mo-Fr : 8.00-14:30
Saturday : 9.00 -12.00
e-mail: sjablonski@stsw.edu.pl
ph. +48413458588 ext. 22
More information about application procedure you can find here : http://www.etins.edu.pl/program-erasmus
General & useful information about Program
Opportunity for students
What it is?
The Erasmus+ program aims to boost skills and employability, as well as modernizing Education, Training, and Youth work. Erasmus+ will provide opportunities to study, train, gain work experience and volunteer abroad. Erasmus+ supports transnational partnerships among Education, Training, and Youth institutions and organizations to foster cooperation and bridge the worlds of Education and work in order to tackle the skills gaps we are facing in Europe. Erasmus+ aims to modernize and improve higher education across Europe and the rest of the world. It gives students and staff opportunities to develop their skills and boost their employment prospects. Good practices are shared between universities and businesses in Knowledge Alliances. Higher education institutions from participating countries can work with those from neighbourhood countries, non-EU Balkan countries, Asia, African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, and Latin America to develop their educational systems.
What does it involve?
Opportunities for students to learn abroad, including:
-Studies, including at Master’s level;
-Traineeships in businesses.
-Erasmus+ Master loans
Opportunities for staff to undertake professional development activities, including:
-Training or teaching;
-Attending workshops delivered by businesses.
Cooperation between institutions:
-Deliver joint masters’ programs in a consortium of higher education institutions from participating countries.
Cooperation with businesses:
-Companies and higher education institutions can work together to share knowledge.
Cooperation outside the EU in neighbourhood countries, African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, Asia, and Latin America through projects that increase an organization’s competencies or expertise through:
-Joint projects to modernise teaching methods, materials and curricula;
-Structural projects, including the involvement of national authorities.
Who can take part?
Opportunities are available to the following organisations in participating countries:
-Students at higher education institutions;
-Higher education institution staff (academic and non-academic);
-Private companies.
Higher Education Institutions in neighbouring countries, non-EU Balkan countries, Asia, African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, and Latin America can participate in projects that take place outside the EU.
Study mobility
Students can go abroad for 3 to 12 months (including a complementary traineeship period, if planned). The same student may receive grants for studying or being trained abroad totalling up to 12 months maximum per each cycle of study:
-During the first study cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) including the short-cycle (EQF levels 5 and 6)
-During the second study cycle (Master or equivalent – EQF level 7) and
-During the third cycle as doctoral candidate (Doctoral level or EQF level 8)
The duration of a traineeship by recent graduates counts towards the 12 months maximum of the cycle during which they apply for the traineeship.
What are the conditions?
Students must be registered in a higher education institution and enrolled in studies leading to a recognized degree or other recognized tertiary level qualification (up to and including the level of doctorate). The mobility is carried out in the framework of prior “inter-institutional agreements” between the sending and receiving institutions, both of which must be holders of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (if located in a Program country).
What arrangements are made?
Prior to the departure the Erasmus+ student is provided with:
-A grant agreement covering the mobility period and signed between the student and his or her sending higher education institution;
-A “Learning Agreement” setting out the program of studies to be followed, as approved by the student, the sending and the receiving institution;
-The “Erasmus+ Student Charter” setting out the student’s rights and obligations with respect to his/her period of study abroad.
At the end of the period abroad:
-The receiving institution must provide the student and their sending institution with a transcript of records confirming that the agreed program has been completed and confirming the results;
-The sending institution must give full academic recognition for satisfactorily completed activities during the mobility period as agreed in the Learning Agreement, by using ECTS credits or an equivalent system. The mobility period should also be recorded in the Diploma Supplement.
Financial support or fees charged
Students may be awarded an Erasmus+ EU grant to help cover the travel and subsistence costs incurred in connection with their study period abroad Erasmus+ students – whether or not they receive an Erasmus+ EU grant – are exempted from paying fees for tuition, registration, examinations and access to laboratory and library facilities at the host institution. The payment of any national grant or loan to outgoing students should be maintained during the study period abroad.
Is linguistic support provided and how?
An Online Linguistic Support (OLS) is provided to Erasmus+ students. The OLS is available for German, English, Spanish, French, Italian and Dutch, which are the main languages for about 90% of all Erasmus+ mobilities. With the OLS, students have the chance to assess and improve their skills in the main mobility language or, for those who are sufficiently proficient in that language, in the language of the country (provided it is available in the OLS).
Learn more about the Erasmus+ OLS at
For participants whose main mobility language is not yet available in the OLS, linguistic support is provided by the sending or receiving organization through the organizational support (OS) grant.
How to apply?
The interested student should apply to the international office and/or Erasmus+ office of his or her sending higher education institution. The office will inform him or her of the possibilities of studying abroad as well as the modalities to apply and to receive an Erasmus+ EU grant.
Students with further questions about taking part in Erasmus+ should check FAQ before contacting their institution, their Erasmus+ National Agency or their National Office. Here you can find :
Video contribution
Video testimonial by Brechje Schwachofer, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Cyprus, on how her Erasmus exchange helped her to pursue a career in the Dutch Foreign Service you can find here:
Opportunity for staff
What it is?
Erasmus+ provides teaching opportunities for the teaching staff of higher education institutions and staff invited from enterprises. Training opportunities are also available for teaching and non-teaching staff employed in a higher education institution.
What arrangements are made?
In the case of teaching assignments between higher education institutions in Program Countries, both institutions have to be holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and must have signed an inter-institutional agreement. The partner higher education institution/enterprise must have agreed on the program of activities to be undertaken by the visiting teachers (Mobility Agreement) prior to the start of the mobility period. In all cases, the activities of staff undertaking a teaching assignment should be integrated into the curriculum of the receiving institution.
In the case of staff mobility from an enterprise to a higher education institution, the mobility is arranged by an invitation from the higher education institution to the staff member of the enterprise. The grant is always managed by the higher education institution.
Staff members are selected by the sending higher education institution.
The sending institution and the receiving institution/enterprise must have agreed on the program of the activities to be undertaken by the visiting staff member (Mobility Agreement) prior to the start of the mobility period.
Who can take part?
The institution sending teaching staff or inviting enterprise staff to teach applies for Erasmus+ mobility grants to its national agency while the staff applies to their sending institution, or the inviting institution in case of enterprise staff.
The institution sending staff applies for Erasmus+ mobility grants to its national agency while the staff applies to their sending institution.
Opportunity for trainees
How long can students go abroad?
Students may go abroad from 2 to 12 months. The same student may receive grants for studying or being trained abroad totalling up to 12 months maximum per cycle of study.
What are the conditions?
Students must be registered in a higher education institution and enrolled in studies leading to a recognized degree or other recognized tertiary level qualification (up to and including the level of doctorate). Erasmus students are selected by their sending higher education institution in a fair and transparent way.
Where do traineeships take place?
Receiving organizations for traineeships can be any public or private organizations active in the labour market.
What arrangements are made?
Prior to the departure the Erasmus+ student is provided with:
-A grant agreement covering the mobility period and signed between the student and his or her sending higher education institution;
-A “Learning Agreement” regarding the specific program for the traineeship, approved by the student, the sending institution and the enterprise;
-The “Erasmus+ Student Charter” setting out the student’s rights and obligations with respect to his/her period of training/work experience abroad.
At the end of the period abroad:
-For a traineeship which is an integral part of the curriculum, the sending institution must give full academic recognition for the period spent abroad, by using ECTS credits or an equivalent system. Recognition shall be based on the Learning Agreement approved by all parties before the period of mobility starts;
-In the particular case of a traineeship that is not part of the curriculum of the student, the sending institution shall provide recognition at least by recording this period in the Diploma Supplement or, in the case of recent graduates, by providing a traineeship certificate.
Financial support or fees charged
Students may be awarded an Erasmus+ EU grant to help cover the travel and subsistence costs incurred in connection with their traineeship abroad.
The payment of any national grant or loan to outgoing students should be maintained during the traineeship abroad.
How to apply
Interested students should apply to the international office and/or Erasmus+ office of their sending higher education institution. The office will provide information on the possibilities of a traineeship abroad as well as the modalities to apply for and receive an Erasmus+ EU grant.
Students with further questions about taking part in Erasmus+ should check FAQ before contacting their institution, their Erasmus+ National Agency or their National Office. Here you can find :
Opportunity for Master students
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) are delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions and, where relevant, other partners with specific expertise and interest in the areas covered by the program. Important information you can find here:
Opportunity for Master’s loans
Erasmus+ Master Loans allow students to apply for financial support for their Master’s studies abroad. Loans will be offered by participating banks and student loan agencies on favorable conditions to mobile students, including better than market interest rates and up to two years to allow graduates to get into a job before beginning repayment. The loan scheme is being established in cooperation with the European Investment Fund (Part of the EIB Group) and will be gradually rolled out across the Erasmus+ program countries over the first few years of the program. Important information you can find here:
Cooperation between Institutions
In the field of higher education, the following activities are supported:
-Strategic Partnerships
-Knowledge Alliances
-Capacity Building Projects
Important information you can find here:
Cooperation with business
With the European economy reliant on the creation and application of knowledge, strong links between the business sector and higher education are essential. Enterprises have become increasingly involved in European education and training programmes, with positive results for both sides, leading to long-lasting partnerships. The relevant Erasmus+ activities for cooperation with business are:
Traineeships for students: students do a work experience in a company abroad for up to a year;
Staff ‘mobility’ for teaching: company staff can teach at a higher education institution abroad, passing on their experience to academia;
Staff ‘mobility’ for training: teaching and other higher education staff receive training in a foreign company;
Co-operation: business or representative associations can take part in projects through:
– Strategic Partnerships
– Capacity Building Projects
– Knowledge Alliances
Erasmus+ ECHE
The decision of European Commission was that Old Polish University received the Erasmus+ Charter (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education – ECHE) for the period 2014-2021, authorizes to the implementation of the activity in the frame of Erasmus + program. Accordingly, the Institution annually applies for a grant under the Erasmus + funding for a project realization containing measures targeted at institutions of higher education in the following categories: students mobility and staff mobility.
Erasmus Code: PL KIELCE08
PIC Number : 949406125
Eche Number: 224713-LA-1-2014-1-PL-E4AKA1-ECHE
Academic Planner App
Dear Erasmus Incoming Students!
Welcome and thank you for choosing Poland for one of the most exciting Times in your academic career. Make yourself at home and have a look at an Academic Planner as an application that will certainly help you during your stay in our country. The planner suggests ways of spending your free time, recommends sites worth visiting and tells you how to deal with problems you might encounter. Get familiar with history of Poland, its traditions and culture. Experience our Polish hospitality, make lasting friendships and pick up some language as well.