Economics – First-Cycle Studies
Degree course mission
The offer is addressed to people interested in gaining knowledge and skills in the field of economic sciences. The studies prepare for the profession of an economist – a specialist in financial, human and material resources management. Knowledge, skills and competences allow to get a job in companies, organizations and institutions (public and private) – mainly in operational positions in Poland and abroad. Graduates also have the necessary knowledge and skills to run their own business. They are able to move freely within the European social and economic space. Graduates are well prepared to take up education at the second-cycle studies.
Students are offered the opportunity to do professional internships both in Poland and abroad.
Thanks to many years of cooperation with foreign partners, our students can take part in internships in the UK, Spain, Greece and other places in the world. We always combine internships with learning a foreign language.
Organization of studies
The studies last six semesters, both in full-time and extramural part-time systems. The studies have a practical profile – which means a large share of practical classes in the study plan: workshops, laboratories, exercises, seminars and foreign internships. Classes end with a diploma exam. Students receive a bachelor’s degree.
Continuation of learning
Graduates of the first degree studies may continue their studies at the MA studies in the field of Economics or related fields or postgraduate studies.
What do you gain by studying Economics at Old Polish University
- access to up-to-date knowledge,
- classes with practitioners,
- skills- and creativity-oriented education,
- development of social competences: working in groups, increasing the efficiency of communication skills, building self-esteem, etc.,
- possibility of internships in domestic companies,
- possibility of internships and placements abroad under the Erasmus+ programme.
Change Management & Design Thinking
Provide students with knowledge, practical skills and basic experience necessary in the field of process and project management in organizations. The education uses the latest concepts of competitiveness and business models, including mainly Design Thinking methodology. It is a method of creating innovative products and services based on a deep understanding of problems and needs of end users. It allows to create and implement innovative solutions in the form of new products, innovative technologies, services, strategies, processes, educational programs and even business models. Graduates are prepared to work in business, industry, education or administration, where the use of the Design Thinking method supports the development of innovation and guarantees non-standard solutions.
For whom?
This is addressed to everyone who wants to work in companies, corporations, foundations, schools and administration in positions where changes are programmed and implemented through innovation, but not through copying and improving, but through the implementation of original solutions based on deeply identified user needs.
Practical aspect of education
You will learn about:
general economic, concerning the operation of the economy on a macro and micro scale, globalization and the impact of international conditions on the economy, market and progress, specialist knowledge of financial and economic analysis methods and material resources management, preparation and independent running of a business,
human resources management and cooperation with other participants of economic processes, essence and importance of innovation in building the competitiveness of the organization, Design Thinking methodology.
- analysis of the conditions and course of economic processes,
- making decisions regarding implementation of business models and changes,
- analysis of market changes and end users needs of products and services,
- programming the change process,
- using Design Thinking methodology to determine development directions and course of economic processes.
After graduation you will find a job in:
companies and corporations focused on flexible adaptation to market changes and customer needs, own company built on an innovative idea that meets the unmet needs of customers, local government institutions implementing the idea of smart specialization, business environment institutions offering services and consulting on change management, educational institutions focused on implementing innovative teaching methods.
Accounting & Financial Advisory
Provide students with knowledge, practical skills and basic experience in the field of accounting used by all companies and other organizations in accordance with Polish and EU regulations of balance sheet and tax law.
For whom?
This is addressed to everyone who wants to work in various financial market institutions and economic organizations such as: banks, accounting offices, pension funds, insurance companies, government and local government administration units, production and service and trade companies, consulting companies, stock exchanges.
Practical aspect of education
- graduate has basic knowledge in the field of perception, measurement and valuation methods, as well as the principles of documentation and registration of assets, sources of financing and economic events in business entities, including public finance sector entities,
- graduate has general knowledge of the forms and methods of communicating financial information,
- graduate knows the basic principles and mechanisms as well as the specifics of financial management run by business entities, public finance sector entities and households and the main risks associated with this economy,
- knows the basic methods, techniques of analyzing the financial condition of economic entities, methods, techniques of valuation of simple financial instruments; procedures, techniques and tools for verifying and managing controls as well as procedures, techniques and tools for audit proceedings,
- has knowledge of national economic law, including balance sheet, financial, tax, banking and insurance law; knowledge about the structure of the financial system and the tax system
Professional perspectives
Degree program prepares for work in:
- management boards and supervisory boards of enterprises,
- accounting, costing, controlling and internal control units of enterprises,
- economic analysis, financial analysis, financial planning, risk management cells,
- banking and insurance institutions, brokerage houses, investment fund societies, open pension funds,
- public central and local government administration, institutions providing public services (e.g. educational, health, public order), regional development agencies, earmarked funds,
- control institutions (fiscal and customs control, regional accounting chambers),
- accounting offices,
- consulting and auditing companies,
- financial advisory companies,
- tax offices.
Hotel Business & Tourism
Acquiring knowledge on the functioning of the market economy and the behavior of business entities in conditions of strong competition, with particular emphasis on the specifics of the tourism industry, acquiring skills to organize and operating various types of tourist events and providing a wide range of tourist services offered by travel agencies and hotel industries, and finally acquiring knowledge and skills in the basics of managing a tourist enterprise.
For whom?
Degree program is for enterprising and active people who care about the world and who like to travel.
The theoretical knowledge acquired during lectures is verified not only during training and seminars, but also during trips to interesting places of student internships.
Practical aspect of education
Graduate will gain knowledge in the field of:
- comprehensive provision of hotel and catering services (marketing department; advertising and promotion, management, working at the reception desk, restaurants, bars, pubs and others),
- organization and techniques of work in hotel and catering facilities,
- management in the tourism, hotel and catering industry,
- professional customer service,
- free use of English and a second foreign language of your choice.
Professional perspective
Graduate will find employment in:
travel agencies, leisure and recreation centers, guest houses, hotel and restaurant sector, sea and inland waterway passenger ships, own company providing accommodation services,
Professional preparation is provided by the knowledge gained in the field of management, economic, financial and marketing issues in the field of tourist and hotel services.
Sample workplaces:
- hotels, guesthouses, resorts,
- companies involved in organizing training and integration trips,
- companies organizing congresses and conferences,
- hotel and restaurant sector on sea and inland passenger ships,
- companies involved in the development of hotel chains and the acquisition of
- new places for their construction,
- own company providing accommodation and catering services.
Economy & Public Administration
Educate graduates prepared in the field of basic problems of public and economic administration functioning, taking into account relevant legal, economic and social knowledge, especially related to the functioning of organizations and human communities.
For whom?
This is addressed to people who are interested in performing managerial functions in the sphere of state and local administration as well as non-governmental institutions.
Practical aspect of education
Graduate of this degree program:
- has knowledge of theories of economic and social choice on a local scale and regional territorial systems,
- has knowledge of the social and economic functions of local governments and local government entities,
- knows the procedures of administrative procedure in local government,
- has knowledge of modern ways of organizing public administration (e-administration),
- has knowledge of the local economy and city economics,
- has knowledge of the finances of local governments,
- has knowledge of civil society and local and regional social capital,
- has knowledge of entities and principles and procedures of establishing local law,
- knows the theories of innovation and competitiveness of the local and regional economy,
- knows the methods of collecting, processing and interpreting statistical data for
- local and regional territorial units.
Professional perspective
Graduate is prepared to work in various institutions of the public sector, government administration, real estate offices, voivodeship offices, city and commune offices, county offices, in the non-governmental organization sector, can also find employment in private companies as a manager and a specialist who deals with banking, finance and insurance activities.
Business Economics and Organisation
Provide students with knowledge, practical skills and basic experience well prepared to solve economic problems and make rational decisions at different levels of economic unit management.
For whom?
This is addressed to people who are interested in expanding and deepening knowledge in the field of economics and the management of financial, human and material resources.
Practical aspect of education
Graduate of this degree program will gain knowledge of :
- general economic, concerning the operation of the economy on a macro and micro scale,
- globalization and the impact of international conditions on the economy, market and progress,
- basics of accounting and analysis of financial statements,
- specialist knowledge of financial and economic analysis methods and material resources management,
- preparation and independent running of a business,
- human resources management and cooperation with other participants of economic processes,
- using IT financial programs for decision-making.
Professional perspective
Graduates will be prepared not only to run their own business, but also to take up employment in both domestic and foreign business units.
In addition, the acquired skills and competences provide the basis for effective and competitive operation on the regional, domestic and foreign labor market, free communication in professional matters in the European socio-economic space and the skilful use of information technologies.